Tuesday, 23 June 2015



 Once more I go, round the sun; keep living and laughing everyone!

Life’s journey’s shorter than ye think, so dither not,

lest ye upon that final blink, discover life is done.

 ~~~  Paul Freeman 23 June 2015  ~~~
I am somewhat overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes.  It is quite humbling, really.  In this digital era there sure are many different ways to communicate. 
Greetings were received, through Skype, from as far away as Moscow, Russia and Shymkent, Kazakhstan as well as places in the United States.
A lot of birthday wishes came from friends and also my Liverpool family on Facebook.  I even got a text message from my ‘techno-grandma-mum-in-law’, Brenda. 
Friends, made through my profession, that are now friends on Facebook, also sent me wishes from places afar; Ecuador, Germany and Holland.  There were even greetings, by way of LinkedIn, from some of my professional colleagues. 
Truly remarkable the way our world is so connected in this day and age.  I am happy and humbled, indeed; and I thank everyone that cared enough to brighten my day with their (mostly) kind words!
My birthday started with breakfast in bed whilst unwrapping gifts and reading cards.  So what, you may ask, does one get for a guy who has been on this beautiful planet for 2.85 score years?  Fear not; a selection of Britain’s finest ales (thank you Zoe), a selection of bold dark-roast coffees (thank you Martin) and a commitment to take me golfing, which includes beer and hot dog (thank you Alex) fits the bill perfectly.  Even my lovely bride of almost 29 years got me a power tool <insert manly-man type grunt here>; it is an oscillating saw (thank you Jane).  I think that the key here is to ensure that I use this after drinking the coffee and not the beer…
After these early morning festivities were complete, I bade farewell to my lovely bride, Jane, as she took my 20-year old youngest daughter, Alex, to the hospital for some surgery to remove her tonsils (that’s gotta hurt!).  Zoe was the designated driver for this mission; she is my 21-year old daughter and has “been there and done that” earlier this year.
Once they were safely on their way, I headed for the fang-snatchers (dentist) for my 65th filling on this, my 57th birthday (maybe not quite that many… fillings that is – not birthdays).  Upon arrival I collected my mobile phone’s voice mail from my son, Martin, who got up extra early on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to wish me a happy birthday; I wasn't able to answer my phone whilst driving - it's the law!
For those of you that are about to celebrate your birthday, and are fortunate to still have their mother gracing this planet of ours, I would like to give you some good advice… remember to call your mum on your birthday; it’s a big day for her too.  Sadly, at 57, I do not have that option anymore.  But if you do; do it.  You won’t regret it; I promise.
In closing, I believe that God's greatest gift bestowed on me is the gift of life.  I have also had the very good fortune to share this most precious gift with some wonderful people; friends and family.  If you're reading this and you are in my life, I thank you for that.