Friday, 15 February 2013

15 February 2013 ~ NOW; A MOMENT IN TIME

15 February 2013 ~ NOW; A MOMENT IN TIME

What a lovely moment; it is now about 9:30 on a Friday evening. That's my living room and I am sitting just out of the left side of the picture. My young ladies, Zoe and Alex, are both working and my lovely bride, Jane, is at the gym. Because I am not as active as they are yet, I sit here with my laptop, enjoying my fourth can of that lovely English beer, Old Speckled Hen; aahhh… Got some vinyl playing; gentle Irish ballads, at that. I would have to say my collection of music is somewhat eclectic in its variety; Vivaldi to Vangelis, Beatles to Bocelli to Bach and so on. Everything but rap I guess; after all, I suppose I have to include my lovely bride’s punk music. But then again, she does tolerate my country music; well, some of it, maybe.
This moment that I am in reminds me of my misspent, but happy youth.  Those years from about 19 to your late 20s are so liberating!  Like any young man of the 1980s, I was always on the go with soccer, the lads, the ladies, most sports really; rock climbing, judo, squash, swimming, etc., etc., etc.  Good, carefree times.  As much as I loved them, and I did, I wouldn’t change where I am now for the world.  What I would give to have my old body back, though.  But wouldn’t we all really!
This moment is special; I can look back on those days of yore whilst basking in ‘what is’ instead of ‘What will happen?’ when wondering about your ‘real’ adulthood that lies ahead beyond, say, 28 years old.  Mine turned out pretty damn good.  I have a great wife of 26 years with my lovely bride, Jane.  I have three fantastic kids that are all adults in their own rite with my son Martin and my daughters Zoe and Alex.  I share my life with some brilliant people that are part nuts, part caring, and part crazy; but always, always, always have my back.
This moment is so comforting right now.  It might be the Old Speckled Hen.  It might be the remnants of my pain-killers.  Wow; it might be both!
Not as much need for pain-killers now.  I’m practically waltzing around the house.  I was even ready to show my physiotherapist the steps to the Foxtrot; probably a good idea, on his part, that I didn’t.  Almost 3-weeks since my total right knee replacement and I only need crutches for longer walks outside the house; inside the house I'm an independent and mobile member of the homestead.  I actually lost about 8 pounds in the first 2 weeks.  My lovely bride said it’s because I couldn’t get to the refrigerator; I love that woman.
Anyway; that’s it for now.  A great moment shared and a second blog published. 

1 comment:

  1. Great Blogs Paul, I really enjoy reading them. I hope your feeling better soon. Cheers!!!
