I seem to be in a rather philosophical mood this afternoon. I am about to stare my 55th
birthday in the face in just a few short months and for some reason a part of my
brain has kind of been fired up. It’s
okay; it’s not a sense of middle-aged urgency or mid-life crisis. In fact I’m not sure if I have even had a
mid-life crisis; well, maybe it was the sunroof on my minivan, but I’m really not
sure. Anyway the point is this; I have
been so darned busy lately that I haven’t had much time to do something that
most men don’t enjoy doing, and that is something called thinking. I like to think. Maybe that’s why I like to write. After all, if you’re not thinking then
there’s bugger all to write about. If I
want to publish two blogs a month in my quest to become a better writer, then I
have to be more disciplined in allowing myself some thinking time. Instead of waiting for inspiration, I think I
might have to adopt a more ‘on demand’ approach. It would be great to just be able to sit and
wait for it to happen but I can’t; there’s too much on the go in my life.
So anyway; I am thinking about how good a life
I have. Other than being a bit of an
orthopedic train-wreck I appear to be in relatively good health. I certainly hope that I am not tempting
providence with that remark! But really;
except for the bit of my thigh bone that is attached to my C5 and C6 vertebrae
with a metal plate and some associated hardware, my fractured ribs (which are
healing nicely, by the way) and my new right prosthetic knee, I would have to
say that all is well. I am certain it is
better to be in a bit of pain here and there than to actually have a serious
illness. Pain can be dealt with ‘on
demand’ whereas as an illness can be very much an ongoing thing.
I don’t know if it still is written on the
back of English bank notes; but as I recall it used to say something like “I
promise to pay the bearer, on demand…” which is essentially an IOU (I owe you)
for whatever amount the bank note was for.
What does all this mean? I
haven’t a clue; I just thought there was a theme growing here with this ‘on
demand’ thing. It has cropped up about
three times so far and I haven’t even finished typing! Once again I digress.
Back to my philosophical thoughts about my
life thus far; absolutely no complaints from this writer, I can tell you. I love my life and all its surprises. If you can get this far and still be married
to the same ‘hot chick’ and have three children that have all grown up
relatively normal (at least by my standards), and everyone still has a sense of
humour as well as a sense of purpose, then it can’t be all bad, can it. I have swallowed up so much joy, to date,
that it’s a wonder I don’t have indigestion of sorts!
On demand is definitely the way to live, I
think. It has this sort of spontaneity
to it. How sad it would be if one was living
a life that had spontaneous surprises at regularly scheduled intervals.
Well I think that’s it for now. Whatever part of my brain that ‘fired up’ has
now somehow ‘fizzled out’. That’s enough
‘on demand’ for me, for now. So, until
my next regularly scheduled, yet spontaneously written blog later this month; I
have to get back to work. There’s a
scheduled dead-line I have to meet!
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